Dear Dr.xxxx,
1 would like to submit the attached manu, "xxx" for consideration for possible
publication in the Research Articles section of SCI
My two nominees for ascite editor are Dr. Smith and,Dr.Smith is well versed in the topic of the paper while Dr.xxxx has used a methodology in his own
research that is related to the methodology in the paper being subitted.
Regarding the option of nominating up tofour reviewers, my'
nominees are:
Name-1, Email address-1
Name-2, Email address-2
Name-3, Email address-3
Name-4, Email address-4
The nominees for associate editor and reviewers have no conf lict of in terest withany of the authors of the paper being submitted.
This paper(or closely related research) has not been published or accepted forpublication. It is not under consideration at another journal.
No other papers using the same data set have been published. ( Note: If other papersusing the data set have been published, please indicate differences between the
submitted paper and the other published papers.)Sincerely
your name and address here
Dear Editor,
Enclosed for your consideration is an original research articl, entitled "xxxx'
1. All authors of this research paper have direct Ly participated in the planningexecution, or analysis of this study
2. AlI authors of this paper have read and approved the final version submitted.
3. The contents of this manu have not been copyrighted or published previously.
4. The contents of this manuscri pt are not nowe under consideration for publicationelsewhere.
5. The contents of this manu will not be copyrighted, submitted,or publishedelsewhere while acce ptance by the Journal is under consideration.
6. There are no directly related manus or abstracts,published or unplished, by anyauthors of this paper.
We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal .because the study reports that..